Suffering from a birth defect, injury, trauma, cancer or facial disease, such as microtia or skin cancer, that results in the loss of an ear, nose or eye can leave a patient emotionally and physically devastated . If surgical reconstruction of facial features is not an option, a silicone prosthetic nose, prosthetic ear or orbital prosthesis prosthetic is an excellent alternative.
Once a facial restoration recovery plan has been determined between you and your surgeon, we will work with your doctor to develop the best plan of action to create your facial prosthesis. The means of prosthetic attachment will be determined by your health care team, via adhesive or implant retained connection (bar-and-clip or magnet).
Board Certified Clinical Anaplastologist, Barbara Spohn-Lillo has been creating unparalleled custom prosthetic restorations since 1981 and you can be assured the highest level of care and detail will go into each custom prosthesis. When creating a custom facial prostheses, whether an artificial nose, artificial ear or orbital prosthesis various castings or impressions are taken to determine the blueprint of the prosthesis. Dermal topography, skin tone, unique landmarks, structural movement and facial geography are all taken into account while creating your prosthesis.